Day 1: SEO Rockstars Main Event Day 1 November 4th


09:00 AM
The State of SEO – SEO is always changing and Dori is going to get you up to speed by going through a bit of the past and end with where we are now including pulling segments of recent test results.
Dori Friend


10:00 AM
State of Anything Google (Future of Google, Penguin, Possum, and their Shenanigans) Josh will also share a short clip from his upcoming Google documentary.
Josh Bachynski


11:30 AM
Advanced Backlinking Strategies Panel -What’s Working


12:00 PM
Lunch – In House. We are not stopping!


01:00 PM

From 1 to 34 clients within 18 months (How He Did It)

His systems and processes that save his agency 100’s of Hours – Pricing Revealed- and the LOGIC behind it

“- SEO is complicated to implement. There’s a lot of moving parts, and the process we’ve created has allowed us to operate efficiently and also expand our products out to self serving SEO products.”

Andrew Steven


02:00 PM
$0 to $4.14 million in revenue (with 35% margin) in 3.5 years (His Blueprint Revealed)- nuff said lol __
Geoff Frink


03:00 PM
Getting Clients Panel – Audience Participation – We pull from everyone!
Group Effort


04:00 PM
Mastering YouTube Rankings– The Brains Behind a Network of 150K YouTube Accounts Takes You Behind the Scenes to Master YouTube Live, Rankings and Embeds PLUS a little bit of Black Hat Magic Secrets to Add to your Arsenal __
Holly Starks Cooper


05:00 PM
Mixer – The Good Stuff

Day 2: SEO Rockstars Main Event Day 2 November 5th


09:00 AM
Testing To The Top: Kyle stole the show last year with his methods on testing and was the impetus to starting the S.I.A. (SEOIntelligenceAgency). Kyle will share the most stunning test to date that he has not previously shared with anyone.
Kyle Roof


11:00 AM
How an SEO averages 40K a month in profits with Zero employees and NO Clients! Tips from the affiliate side of SEO- This is true affiliate SEO- not selling leads
Jeff Lenney


12:00 PM
Lunch – In Groups of 4 to 6 – Cozzy Up! __


01:00 PM
Local Ranking: Secrets to Building your own Network for massive rankings on multiple keywords in mulitple cities. This White Hat Hack will amaze you like it did us.
Carolyn Holzman


02:00 PM
Local Ranking: What just changed and what do we need to do about it. Jason is the “Local Guy” whose course we are publishing, but you can get him right here. You have a question about Local Ranking in Google, get it answered today!
Jason Wright


03:30 PM
Panel – Local Q & A – Audience Participation – We pull from everyone!
Group Effort


06:00 PM


PRE-DAY: Speaker/VIP Day

November 3rd – the day before the main event

  • Masterminding and Networking with Dori and the Speakers.
  • AKA- rubbing shoulders with the Best of the Best in the industry.
  • This day will NOT be recorded.
  • Full day of networking, brainstorming, shenanigans, food and full cocktail glasses (or wine or beer glasses)
  • The past 4 years I’ve done this AFTER the event but this year we are breaking the ice and cutting to the chase early so we all have more time to network with each other.



Come with me on our speaker day activities, rub shoulders, eat meals, & drink cocktails with the best of the best in this industry. THIS is the absolute BEST opportunity to network, make the relationships that SEORockstar is known for. (aka call a buddy up and say WTF and they understand what you are talking about!) LOL ; )



_ 1 Ticket to the Main Event November 4th and 5th, and..
_ 1 Ticket to the VIP Speaker Day on November 3rd, 2016


Why you need to be there:

Hands down, I recommend everyone to always grab a chance to do the “VIP” time. It is the intimate type of events where you can forge the TRUE relationships. Of course, during the main event there will be time to network, but I’m making it super easy for everyone!

Most VIP opportunities offer a dinner or an evening happy hour networking event. To me – that is not enough time. Not only is it not enough time, but unless you are the most outgoing person in the world, it’s hard to get to know a lot of people during a dinner or a cocktail party without seeming obnoxious.

So, I am going all out here and making this day a blast, so you can make sure you can talk to whomever you want to and enjoy your day!


What to Expect:

_ An ENTIRE day with the Speakers and VIPs.
_ We will start with food and drinks and then proceed to have fun all day



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Dori Friend – SEO Rockstars 2016 (November) Contains: Videos, PDF´s